The Topic was "How to present effectively"
Going back to St. Pat's certainly brought back many memories for me. I was also very happy to meet an old pal, Joseph who is a Head of Department in the school. Jo is a phenomenal educator and an awesome human being bursting with Heart and emblazoned with Smiles.
Honestly, doing a skills training an audience of a 100 students who are 7th Graders (Sec 1) was a stretch for me.
Young people are always buzzing with energy and to have them sit cross legged in the hall was a challenge for them as well.
Some of them got distracted and start chatting with their buddies. As I was attempting to present the ideas on how to make better presentations, I had to pause many times to do some intervention them back to focus on the content. Nonetheless, it was a great experience for me. After the session, I spent sometime reflecting and would like to share them with you, especially for if you are in the field of TEACHING.
In my early days working with people , I learnt that there is no such thing as "difficult students" there are only students with different needs. To be able to work with them the teacher/trainer/facilitator needs to cultivate tremendous amount of patience.
Every time I work with school students, silently my admiration for teachers swells in my heart. A certain inexplicable and moving respect for them emanates from the core of my being. In my many years of training and teaching, I have met a few hundred teachers and this my valiant attempt of complying a list of teacher archetypes. If you are a Teacher, which archetype calls out to you the most?
Archetypes of Teachers according to Ramesh Muthusamy
1. The Loving Teacher
Always ready with a warm hug and a listening ear. This teacher doesn't really care if you fail your subjects. What they are keen in is how you are doing as a person. They are more interested in your future development and envision a brighter tommorow for their pupils. These teachers, often build close bonds with their students and coming to work is a usually a Joy for them. These teachers are focused largely on building their students by making them feel valued and loved. They tend to share moral values and instill a certain steadfastness as to how they should live their lives in general.
2. The "Let's Aim for the Stars!" Teacher
These teachers are fundamentally drawn into the idea of helping students by increasing their competencies in their subjects. They toil long hours thinking of the best type of training to give their pupils to be able to ace their exams. Full of enthusiasm when the word EXAM is mentioned. They never show any signs of tiredness when it comes to doing another question paper with their students and thereafter eagerly going through the strategies on how to tackle the questions. They tend to build their students by building their confidence being able to answer the difficult questions within the subjects they teach. They imbuse the love of the subject within the students.
3. The "Mechanical" Teacher
Functionality is their mantra. They just want to get the job over and done with. They tend to use the time in a class either droning on about something the students cannot see the point in listening to or just occupying the time by painfully dragging their students through the questions. No doubt they could be gifted in the subject they are "attempting" to teach but in my opinion some of them really need to relook at their career choice. Working with people, especially Young people is a sacred task. I often wonder in my head when I see such teachers as to what do they really care about? Why do they do this particular field of work. Sometimes I feel this urge to reach into their heart and dip in a pot of gooey honey and bake in the sunshine of love. I am sure its' within every person to be able to care but its just that for some people this type of behaviour is new and unfamiliar.
4. The "Jaded" Teacher
A teacher who fails to constantly nourish themselves will become like stale bread. Dry and Hard to reach. I have encountered some of these teachers who often have a sour face every where they go. The words that leave their mouth leaves painful or discomforting memories for their colleagues and students. Personally, I do get saddened by teachers who seem to have lost their inspiration. At times as I interact with them I have learnt that it sometimes its the horrid leadership they have been under which has made them sick with "I-don't-care-ritis". Isn't that what you would do as well? If you are subjected to an uncaring and ineffective atmosphere? Disengagement, Disenchantment and Disgust. Being jaded is similar to a copper pipe left outside to endure the harsh elements of nature. It does oxidise and become tarnished. Recovery is simple. All this pipe needs is a concerned hand that gently cleans away the tarnish. What these teachers need is an invigourating leader who is able to make a personal connection with them in a gentle and consistent manner.
5. The Wise Teacher
White hair, wrinkles, calmness and a soft voice captures the essence of the Wise Teacher. You know you a Wise teacher when you normally like to listen to people more than speak. You allow people to talk as long as they need to and avoid dispensing advising unless asked. You have a belief that the person carrying the problem also has the capability to solve it so you a practioner of restraint. Wise teachers work quietly without much fanfare and often have a subdued personality. They are also people who respect others including the naughtier students because they know that the role of an educator is to help nurture rather than to blame or judge them.
Here is a something I composed for all the wonderful teachers out there in the world there.
Teacher's Reminder
by Ramesh Muthusamy (An Ode to Hamimah)
To Teach is to Etch.
On Gold slates of Possibilities
Teaching is Sacred Work.
Why oh why ?
amongst us were you the one
Called by our Great Universe?
To Teach
Is to prepare
For Evolution awaits,
Your Consciousness swiftly shifting.
Along the way of this long way
You may miss the purpose of your
Like words you write on the board to remind
Bring your homework on Monday
Today I Remind.
and I promise
You will be touched inside
That is if you are open and allow yourself to grow.
Have Mirth in your Stride for this work of Teaching
I promise
Is Challenging.
When the weather is disagreeing
When the fan in the class drones
When your head throbs
Your stomach scrapes from inside
Your voice is strained
Your patience abandons you
I remind you of the Oath you have taken.
To Love. Always. To teach. With Heart. Always.
This is
Not for the faint of heart and the faithless.
Young people are like Tofu.
They must be handled with the utmost of care.
Else they will break apart.
Remind yourself to the Godlikeness in every Child.
For they need nurturing not condemnation.
Remind yourself to watch your words.
Be frugal in your criticism and lavish in your messages of
People are bundles of lights. All on a Journey. Including yourself.
Sometimes you teach them at others they will be your Teachers. Some kind, others Severe.
Remind yourself to Serve them and yourself.
You too are a light. On your Journey.
Honour your Trials and Tribulations.
In that you will seek profound wisdom
And till the day you are no more you
with Love
and Patience Serve
Teacher Oh BeautyBound Teacher!
I call on you.
From All Quarters of the Myseterious and Romantic Universe.
Imagine as all points of this celestial page pulls towards each other and into your Heart.
Remind yourself
There is magnificence and magic in each of them.
Seek it. Honour It and Bow before for your Calling.
Tis the highest in all things Sacred and that is
to Teach

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