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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Do you fit into your Current Team? The TenQ Quiz

ImageBefore we jump into the Quiz  let's talk about  T.A.S.K. Model. It's really helpful in  predicting whether someone will be a contributing member of a team. 

T- Track Record : Similar or useful past experiences that will value add to the current and future projects the team will undertake. One big decision you can make right now is to start undertaking projects and work not based on how easy it will be but by how much it will stretch you. Of course those 9-5 clock watchers will veer away from such things so therein your opportunity lies. If you are still in school then get some internship or part time work at the place you plan to work. At the very least you will walk away having a better understanding of what the industry is like and from there you can make a better judgement whether to stay in it or explore other options.  

A- Attitude : One of the MOST controversial and hardest to pin down is attitudes. But generally are you are nice, optimistic driven person?

S- Skills : Do you have the relevant task oriented skills to get the job done. Fundamentals are important. Calculations, coding, selling, negotiating? For a managerial position skills like Project management, basic finance skills, coaching skills would be brilliant. If you live in a Country like Singapore go check out and for Malaysia there is . Be Proactive. Go Upgrade and Update your skills. 

K - Knowledge : How much do you really know about a certain topic. This is about the content aspect. You may have the skill  of cutting grass but that does not mean you know a lot of grass or horticulture. Read. Listen to audiobooks. Sign up for online courses like or and many more. This will help you improve your mental model which essentially shifts how you  perceive and process a situation. 


When you focus on the T.A.S.K you can be assured that you will remain relevant and value adding. Everyone has a fair chance at this process. Effort beats Talent. 


Now to the  Quiz to find out whether you are a GOOD fit into a team. 

1. Do I have skills that add value to the team rather than duplicating what is already there?

3.  Am I honestly motivated to push for results together with others or am I lone ranger type? 

4. In my decision making process do I "rub people the wrong way" 

5. Am I willing to take up different roles within the group ? 

6. Do I know the difference between assertive and aggressive? 

7. Am I willing to help build a positive morale in the team actively? 

8. Do I have a degree of tolerance of others? 

9. Will  I  to take the risk to be honest with others ? 

10. Do I have a realistic perception of my strengths and weaknesses?


If you answered No to any of them, don't fret. It means its an area you would  want to consider improving. Working with others effectively can be a complex skill. How do you know you are in a great team?

They set you up to shine. So make sure you set others up to Shine as well. Cheers! 



  1. This is an awesome website as well for different types of courses -
