"Excuse me... which way to the white marque? The toastmasters event?" I asked a well built Malay guy who works at SRC(Singapore Recreation Club). A quick pause, " Err.. you can actually walk thru this door and go straight." he responded cheerfully. SRC. They have some real standards in making visitors feel welcomed and welcomed I certainly did feel.
Lugging the heavy drum while not crumpling my jacket and not breaking into a sweat was a challenge.I was panting mildly. (note to brain: EXERCISE)
First face of the day : DAYAL KHEMLANI! The former district 51 Humour Champion who inspired me with his uncanny wit and imbeccable comic timing.He welcomed me with open arms and we started bantering about different things. I quickly approached the stage. I needed to get on it to feel the space.
Two of my fellow contestants Shuzhen and Pakpoom were also doing their rehearsals. We exchanged greetings and started rehearsing.
I really liked the place. Brightness spread out thru the venue. There was something airy about the place. It was the first time for me to take part in a speech contest in such a relaxed environment. I had a good feeling. But the fear was slowly creeping on me.
I know I am insane. I changed the sequence of my presentation at 5.30 in the morning. (read my earlier posts) I decided to take a risk (what's new...) and go with a completely different and dramatic opening. All my years of training in Debates really did kick in. The ability to be impromptu and follow through with conviction. I told myself, as long I had fun and left the audience with a message which I felt was pertinent, I have accomplished what I set to do. The mission was to lock in every finer aspects of my stage blocking, movements and tempo.
"Ramesh, remember don't go over time!" That is often the advise I have been given my club members. The sharp blade of overtime has come near my neck one too many times.. 7mins and 28 secs... Woah... What a thrill. Today, I instructed myself "Keep it short! Keep it tight!"
I rehearsed various parts of my speech close to 30 times. To create some muscle memory so that my body will move with fluency. I am a highly animated creature the moment I hit the stage. That power has to be harnessed and channeled so that the audience can experience something meaningful. I was more or less ready and then...
"Are we going to get to check the sound? " asked one of my fellow contestants. The sound console was still snuggly wrapped up. Time? 7.50am. Contest starts at 8.30am. Tick tock tick tock. Oh no... I remember one of the years whilst competing my microphone went dead on me. It totally killed my speech. Every aspect of a contest counts. The moment there is a laspse in something the Audience will get unsettled. The speaker then has to do some recovery to get them back into intended mental and emotional space. Lost of time. This time my trepidation started tapping me on my mind. "What if... the microphone is lousy? What if it breaks down half way? What if I have to use a Hand Held??? Argh..." I had not anticipated this aspect.
"Deep breathes. Deep breathes... All is well. All is well." The sound guy arrived. Booted up everything in a jiffy but the moment he switched on the lapel microphone, an eerie annoying feedback emanated from the huge black speakers. My nightmares about lousy sound seemed to be coming real. My heart sank.
"Bro.. how come so much feedback ah? " I asked in my politest tone so as not to aggravate the already stressed sound crew. "This lapel mic very sensitive la. That's why should use the headset" replied the cool sound guy while waving his hand towards to the table behind. HEADSET. You know what that means? It goes on your head. I will look like Britney Spears in Concert. At first there was a resistance in my heart. I was rejecting a solution because its not something I had factored in. My brain whizzed around thinking about the implications. Will the audience be able to take the speaker seriously or will it look out of place?
Either go up with a lapel mic that is manic or a head set that looks odd. Sound. Sound.Sound. Heave.
Just go with the Head Set. Its a done deal. No more time to reconsider.
The crowds started pouring in. All my fellow contestants were in the ZONE. Mentally visualising their speeches. I was warming up my face and lips so the words will flow easily.
A simple speech. This contest was a huge stretch for me. Unlike my previous contests where the norm was to poke fun at the other speakers, crack frivolous jokes and to resort to blatant asking for the prize, I was a reformed Toastmaster.
No more old tactics. It's a fresh approach. It was a mighty gamble.
"Ramesh Muthusamy, Speech Title, Speech title, Ramesh Muthusamy" The announcement was made. Just as was start, the Contest chair approached me to shake my hands! Opps. Did not anticipate that as well. So I decided in the moment to continue with my opening and leave him standing there for a few seconds and after I had finished my opener, I darted towards him to complete the handshake. The Audience reacted. Laughter ripped across. Whew! Everything happens for a reason.
BOOM BOOM BOOM... I was moving. The words were flying. My mouth went dry in excitement. Another opps.... I forgot a transition paragraph. Argh... Keep talking. Keep Talking!! Ah.. caught my train of thought again. Green light turns Amber. I had hit my 6th Minute. One more story to tell.... the powerfully emotional one... HOw HOW HOW?
Decide time. If I told the story I will rush. If I rush it will lose its impact. I might go over time.
"Ramesh Muthusamy! Land this plane now! "
I think I have a fairly decent job. I think it should be ok to conclude. So in a flash, I started for my conclusion. But because its not the actually conclusion I had rehearsed I had to modify one on the fly.
Boom Boom Bang~ "Mr Contest Chair! " Heart pounding faster and faster.... I am done. Its over. Its over. All the writing, rewriting, self doubting, rehearsing can take a break for a while. Maybe a long while depending on the contest results. If I win its Vegas baby! If I don't I will be blogging about the importance of learning from taking part. Either way its been 10 years for me in the International Speech Contest circuit. I was ready for the results.
The rest of the contestants brought their best games to the table. I asked my father, " My speech, how? "
He hesistated.... ARGH.... he paused. Smiled. And said, "It was ok..." I heard the knelling for my speech. He really liked David's speech. Personally, I loved the tone of David's voice. It was commanding and soulful. His speech had more meaning. I thought I was done for.
As you grow older I think we develop a comforting voice in our heads which often kicks in to comfort us. "Its ok. It's not that you are lousy... They are just better..." This is my usual strategy after a contest while waiting for the results. I assume I did not place in the contest. Maybe after my 2006 contest in Washington D.C. where I was over anxious in winning and subsequently feeling depressed for a period because of the lost, I developed a protective mechanism to prevent massive pain.
I chuckled inside my head thinking about how much tension I was experiencing...
Fast forward. Results Time... The Mandarin and English contest winners were being announced at the same time. Something refreshing. Head spinning. Heart Pounding. Father and Brother seated next to me. Friends who have come to support and are the edge of their seats.... People looking in my direction while energetically showing me thumbs up. "You better win mate! I have 10 dollars on you" said a Toastmaster said...
Boom Boom BAM! By the grace of the heavens and the Mercy of the Judges I placed first.
The feeling that was overflowing in my heart at that time was gratefulness. I was and am truly grateful for all the love from the Toastmasters community. I have gained so much in terms of learning how to speak better, Thinking more creatively and most importantly for connecting with my authentic self.
The day was awesome. I got a chance to hold the hands of one of my speaking Heros Mr.Mark Hunter.
He gave me some powerful feedback as to how I can improve. I am soaking it all in. The dust of the District contest is settling. Now I hear the distant call of the Semi Finals. Las Vegas here I come!
Me with the World Champion of Public Speaking 2009
Mark Hunter!!! |
If you like this post please do leave me some comments. I also attach some useful resources from amazon in my posts. Please do take a look. Ty.
THE PRESENTATION SENSATION is a MUST read. One of the books that has greatly influenced me.